1 properties near Mendez

Patricia Yolanda Village - Blk-2 Lot-16 - Brgy. Asis I, Mendez (Mendez-Nu?Ez), Cavite

A Pag-IBIG foreclosed property in Mendez, Cavite, with a minimum bid of ₱2,120,800

Bidding ended last Oct 20, 2023

Frequently asked questions about foreclosed properties in Mendez

Where can I find more acquired assets related to Mendez

You can find more properties here on acquiredassets.ph by searching your preferred address, city or province.

How many acquired assets are available near Mendez

Currently, there are 1 foreclosed properties are available near Mendez

What are the estimated price range for acquired assets near Mendez

We estimate the price range for foreclosed properties near Mendez to be around ₱4,241,600.00 - ₱4,241,600.00